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>Manel Ferri Tomás
Oficina técnica de cambio climático y sostenibilidad. Gerencia de servicios de medio ambiente. Área de territorio y sostenibilidad.
Diputación de Barcelona

Destacar el compromiso y una  mirada de la movilidad desde lo social desde una ONG como la  PTP  de la que es cofundador  y posteriormente en el ámbito sindical en CCOO, siempre a favor de la movilidad sostenible, segura, equitativa y económica.

Manel Ferri has shown an undeniable commitment to promoting sustainable and safe mobility in the centre of the social and political life in Catalonia first and in across Spain later on.

From 2001 to 2008 as mobility coordinator and mobility manager of the Comisiones Obreras trade union in Catalonia.

In 2003, the city of Barcelona awarded Manel Ferri the Agenda 21 award for his sustainable accessibility to the union’s guide.

Since 2006 to 2010 he actively participated in the mobility plans of industrial areas of the Llobregat Delta.

Between 2006 and 2008 he participated in the master mobility plan of the Barcelona region, with the aim of achieving recognition of the company transportation plans as one of the main strategies to be included while acting as intermediary between planners and unions.

Since 2015 Manel Ferri has been mobility technician in Barcelona Diputació (Local administration) from where he is promoting the road safety observatory with the Catalan Traffic Department and fostering the institution’s company mobility plan.

Tipo de participación en el congreso
Colaborador Técnico
Actividad: GT-5
Actividad: GT-4
Actividad: ST-6
Ponencia: Los principales impactos ambientales y sociales del transporte.
Actividad: GT-4